As I've mentioned at least, oh I don't know, six million times I've just moved in with my love and I'm now adjusting to cohabiting for the first time. Even though my house shares before have been with friends there is a BIG difference between living with your friends as opposed to the man who gives you butterflies in your tummy (yup, he still does). So I guess this post is a bit nostalgic, it's my favourite things about living sans partner!
Pampering in front of the TV
My ex housemate Paul and I used to have a ritual where we would have "Facemask Thursdays". We would sit and cleanse, tone, moisturise and do face masks - all with a glass of wine in hand and Masterchef on the TV. I would also quite happily sit and pluck my eyebrows, clip my fingernails / toenails etc all in the living room. Now these rituals will have to be kept behind bathroom doors and without my Paul to keep me company. H just isn't a face mask kind of guy!
Watching Trashy TV
Oh man I love trashy TV, especially imported trashy TV. I can happily sit and watch back to back Teen Mom 2, Sixteen and Pregnant, Catfish, Don't Tell the Bride, Four Weddings etc FOR HOURS! H really doesn't watch much TV at all and if he does he tends to like films or more "high brow" stuff. And its great because my evenings are spent more productively, planning blog posts, reading, talking, listening to music etc. I do love that every other Saturday H goes to work so I can just catch up on all the rubbish I've added to his TiVo
H and I love a glass of wine and in no way am I saying that he would ever say I shouldn't have a glass myself. But he doesn't drink during the week and so I tend to follow his lead as drinking wine n your own just isn't that fun. My pals who I've lived with before had no such qualms and we would happily sit and quaff some (lots) of wine on a couple of occasions in the week. Still, my waistline and liver are both very happy
The Whole Bed to Myself
Oh man, for the last ten years for the majority of the week I have had my own double bed ALL. TO. MYSELF. Oh I am so going to miss being able to spread out, to move over to the cooler part when i get hot, curl up under the covers when its cold. Luckily for H I love him just a little bit more than the amount I love having the bed to myself.... just.
Talking and Singing to Myself

Yes I do this all the time, and yes I now try and stop myself because I'm trying not to let H cotton on to the fact that I'm a bit of a crazy one....
Any of you out there cohabiting? What behaviour did you have to change a bit, what do you miss?
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